Judgment Day will be later this May "guaranteed"
While you're marking Derby Day, here's something to consider if you have plans for Preakness Day: Several billboards around Louisville -- and the nation and world -- are warning of an impending Day of Judgment to be on a date certain: May 21, 2011.
That’s when believers would be raptured to heaven. The complete end of the world, we "must realize," would come five months later on Oct. 21, 2011 according to the proponent's Website.
It’s part of a worldwide publicity blitz by a broadcast ministry called Family Radio, based in Oakland, California.
The short version: Founder Harold Camping believes through a complex set of numerological calculations, one can date the creation of the world, Noah’s flood, and other events described in the Bible, then extrapolate when the Bible "guarantees" the world will end. More
American Dad: Rapture's Delight (in Russian)
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
It's like we have been trying to say: The "end" is not the end. The world will not end. Judgment Day is everyday for everyone who passes away. Karma is our judge, whether or not a god or other entity does. Gods themselves are controlled by karma.
The rapture is a misunderstanding of events likely to happen. Originally it seems to have meant that UFOs would descend from the heavens (the skies, space) to save 144,000 or so people (possibly naked) and take them up to safety. The lowest celestial realms are interested in the welfare of this planet and the good people on it.
Those people are not limited to Jews (or Christians) although these traditions began to teach that they were the "chosen people" of their tribal deity. There has been a great deal of contact with many peoples of the Earth. But at no time are people told, "It's the end, pure destruction, all is lost." Even Christianity does not teach such a thing. But try to tell that to Christians.
What do altered scriptures say, to say nothing of the original texts? Inimical entities will use the Earth to fight celestial entities. Rather than welcoming celestial "saviors," people around the world are being trained to fear, loathe, and fight anyone coming down. "They are all green, gooey, gray, and scary," we have come to believe.
Christian soldiers are ready to shoot at Jesus if he does not fit their image of a bigger than life translucent savior with blond hair and a kind smile. If he comes by ship, he had better be ready to dodge our Star Wars anti-spacecraft apparatus and laser pulse weapons.
In Buddhist/Hindu terms, it is Sakka (a.k.a. Indra, St. Michael, Thor, etc.) and the "shining ones" (devas) who, after keeping an eye on the planet and the general level of virtue of the population, will stand in defense against titans, reptilians, and ogres (asuras, nagas, and yakkhas) who are already here manipulating human affairs.
But it all sounds so preposterous, so mythological, so cartoonish that the only way to portray it is in a foreign-language cartoon. So here we again present the CIA's own Stan Smith and family of "American Dad" fame in "Rapture's Delight."
The short version: Founder Harold Camping believes through a complex set of numerological calculations, one can date the creation of the world, Noah’s flood, and other events described in the Bible, then extrapolate when the Bible "guarantees" the world will end. More
American Dad: Rapture's Delight (in Russian)
- Watch in English while it's available (Adult Swim)
- Read about this brilliant episode (Wikipedia)
- Doomsday coming later this month (May, 2011)
Wisdom Quarterly (COMMENTARY)
It's like we have been trying to say: The "end" is not the end. The world will not end. Judgment Day is everyday for everyone who passes away. Karma is our judge, whether or not a god or other entity does. Gods themselves are controlled by karma.
The rapture is a misunderstanding of events likely to happen. Originally it seems to have meant that UFOs would descend from the heavens (the skies, space) to save 144,000 or so people (possibly naked) and take them up to safety. The lowest celestial realms are interested in the welfare of this planet and the good people on it.
Those people are not limited to Jews (or Christians) although these traditions began to teach that they were the "chosen people" of their tribal deity. There has been a great deal of contact with many peoples of the Earth. But at no time are people told, "It's the end, pure destruction, all is lost." Even Christianity does not teach such a thing. But try to tell that to Christians.
What do altered scriptures say, to say nothing of the original texts? Inimical entities will use the Earth to fight celestial entities. Rather than welcoming celestial "saviors," people around the world are being trained to fear, loathe, and fight anyone coming down. "They are all green, gooey, gray, and scary," we have come to believe.
Christian soldiers are ready to shoot at Jesus if he does not fit their image of a bigger than life translucent savior with blond hair and a kind smile. If he comes by ship, he had better be ready to dodge our Star Wars anti-spacecraft apparatus and laser pulse weapons.
In Buddhist/Hindu terms, it is Sakka (a.k.a. Indra, St. Michael, Thor, etc.) and the "shining ones" (devas) who, after keeping an eye on the planet and the general level of virtue of the population, will stand in defense against titans, reptilians, and ogres (asuras, nagas, and yakkhas) who are already here manipulating human affairs.
But it all sounds so preposterous, so mythological, so cartoonish that the only way to portray it is in a foreign-language cartoon. So here we again present the CIA's own Stan Smith and family of "American Dad" fame in "Rapture's Delight."