Seventeen lost pyramids and thousands of ancient tombs and other structures have been revealed in an infrared satellite survey of Egypt.
University of Alabama at Birmingham Egyptologist Sarah Parcak and colleagues used NASA and commercial satellites orbiting 430 miles above Egypt to show mud-brick structures under the surface. The stunning findings include more than 1,000 tombs and 3,100 settlements.
"This hints at the possibilities of discoveries to come," Parcak was quoted as saying by her university. "I am excited for my generation and the generations to come. There is enough to be excavated for 50 generations to come."
Preliminary excavations by a French team have confirmed the presence of at least two possible pyramids. The findings at Saqqara (Sakkara) could be one of the most important sites in Egypt.
The work will be profiled in the BBC documentary "Egypt's Lost Cities," airing Monday on the BBC. The documentary will also be broadcast on the Discovery Channel in the U.S. More