Monday, June 6, 2011

Fukushima at Day 78 (video report)

(Video and story LINKS)

"CNN: Reactors may be "riddled with holes" - Experts suspect full meltdown at No. 1, 2, and 3"

"Nuclear Super Typhoon? Massive storm may approach Fukushima this weekend — Current gusts of 195 mph"

"US Navy forecast shows super typhoon may hit Fukushima plant — TEPCO "still considering typhoon measures"

"Nuclear expert: Fukushima "has turned even worse than it was in Chernobyl" — "Appears to have fit into the worst predicted scenario"

"Academics warn that TEPCO has failed to disclose scale of radiation leaks — Gov't to release details at "appropriate time"

"Highest radiation dose yet at Reactor No. 1 at 204 Sieverts per hour in drywell"

"Fukushima reactors will be releasing radioactive steam for a year or more: US nuclear official"

"Grave Danger: Concern over more massive failure of containment systems at Fukushima"

"Academics warn that TEPCO has failed to disclose scale of radiation leaks — Gov't to release details at "appropriate time"