Tuesday, June 7, 2011

11 Advantages of Loving-Kindness (sutra)

"Discourse on the Advantages of Loving-kindness" (Mettanisamsa Sutta) translated from the Pali by Piyadassi Thera edited by Wisdom Quarterly
The Buddha on tour by foot through India teaching (buddhagautama.com)

Thus have I heard. On one occasion the Buddha was staying near Savatthi at Jeta's Grove in Anathapindika's abbey. He addressed the monastics there, "Monks."

"Venerable sir," they replied.

"Eleven advantages are to be expected from the release of heart/mind by [the absorbed] practice of loving-kindness (metta), by constantly increasing thoughts of loving-kindness, by regarding loving-kindness as a vehicle and as something to be treasured, by living according to loving-kindness, by putting these sentiments into practice, and by establishing them. What are the eleven? The practitioner:
  • (1) sleeps in comfort, (2) awakes in comfort, (3) sees no bad dreams, (4) is dear to human beings, (5) is dear to non-human beings, (6) is protected by devas, (7) is safe from fire, poison, and swords, (8) concentrates the mind quickly, (9) is of serene countenance, (10) passes away free of confusion, (11) and if one does not attain full enlightenment here and now in this very life is reborn in a brahma world [a literal divine abode].
The Buddha returning from the "Space Realm of the Thirty-three" (buddhagautama.com)

"These advantages are to be expected from the release of heart/mind by [the absorbed] practice of loving-kindness, by constantly increasing thoughts of loving-kindness, by regarding loving-kindness as a vehicle and as something to be treasured, by living according to loving-kindness, by putting these sentiments into practice, and by establishing them."

So said the Buddha. Those monks rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One.